Heading for some fancy night

Red dress is just a great choice for night out

Doing really well with movements in this dress

Posing in red is definitely my thing

Posing is definitely my thing

Guys, who's ready to party tonight?

Having the most wonderful and enjoying myself

In mood to have some great evening

Feeling as queen of the disco, you know

Going out ahead predicting good evening

Great mood and can't wait for this fun time

Feeling that this night is going to be just awesome

Trying to pose like a real pro

Having the best plans on how to spend this evening

These dress and color are quite my things, you know

Thinking that this night is going to be just amazing

Can't wait for this night to get started

'cause it's all about myself and red dress

This party starts getting better and better

Quite ready to start this great night out

Red dress is just a great choice for night out

Well-well, definitely feeling good for this evening

Dreaming about this evening to get started

Predicting that this night is going to be more than amazing

Dreamy young woman in red dress touching hair

Can't wait for this fancy evening to get started

Really feeling this night and this dress

Thinking about this night to be just amazing

Foreboding that this evening is going to be just amazing

Having quite a mood to pose in night gown

Ready for such a great night out

Dreamy young woman in red dress touching hair

Already feeling the vibe of this night

Well-well, how do you like this look for fancy night out?

Can't wait to have the most amazing evening time

Moving in direction where the party is

Can't wait for this night to get started

Sentendomi molto elegante

Per favore ascolta attentamente

Sentendomi molto elegante

Sentendomi molto elegante

Mona lisa sorridi

Quando hai appena comprato un nuovo orologio e vuoi che tutti lo vedano

Sentirsi davvero bene in questo vestito

Sei serio riguardo a questo?

Questo posto è carino ma io sono più carina

Sicuramente "sentendo" questo outfit

Sicuramente "sentendo" questo outfit

Sicuramente "sentendo" questo outfit

Non disturbarmi, sono troppo alla moda

Bella donna in abito bianco e nero in piedi nel profilo

Darò a questa pianta un nuovo alito di vita

Essere icona della moda non è affatto facile

Cercando di fare qualche foto con questa vecchia cosa

Bella donna in abito lungo bianco e nero in possesso di un piatto

Possiamo finalmente andare a scuola?

Mi piacciono tanto i miei nuovi occhiali da sole che li indosso a casa

Immagino, lei ha l'idea di qualcosa

Essere icona della moda non è affatto facile

Elegante giovane donna seduta al tavolo