Colorato giocattolo slinky

Colorato giocattolo slinky

Slinky toy is not an easy thing to play with

Figuring out how to use this thing could take a while

Oh well, who could've thought you could play with it this way?

Slinky toy as headdress? yes, please

'cause slinky toy is quite good to play with

'cause slinky toy is quite good to play with

Slinky toy as headdress? yes, please

Guess this thing might come into fashion as well

Someone wants to recall these 90's vibes?

Figuring out how to use this thing could take a while

Slinky toy is not an easy thing to play with

Guess this thing might come into fashion as well

Oh well, who could've thought you could play with it this way?

A rainbow bridge out of a slinky toy

A colorful slinky toy being unbearably long


A colorful slinky toy in its default state

Mi piace giocare con uno squallido

La mamma è occupata e anche io sono occupato

Posso giocare da solo mentre mia mamma è impegnata

Alcune persone sono troppo occupate