Ottenere tutte le notizie sul lavoro dal collega
Ottenere tutte le notizie sul lavoro dal collegaAI
Teenage girl wearing beige overalls looking aside while talking on the phone
Teenage girl wearing beige overalls looking aside while talking on the phoneAI
Getting to know everything till the latest gossips
Getting to know everything till the latest gossipsAI
Giovane che parla e gesticola con entrambe le mani
Giovane che parla e gesticola con entrambe le maniAI
Skipping through all this work info an deciding a lot of questions
Skipping through all this work info an deciding a lot of questionsAI
A lot of work information to cover here
A lot of work information to cover hereAI
Quando la tua ragazza è al telefono da ore
Quando la tua ragazza è al telefono da oreAI
Going one more time through all this info
Going one more time through all this infoAI
Ottenere tutte le notizie sul lavoro dal collega
Ottenere tutte le notizie sul lavoro dal collegaAI
Going one more time through all this info
Going one more time through all this infoAI
Skipping through all this work info an deciding a lot of questions
Skipping through all this work info an deciding a lot of questionsAI
Skipping through all this work info an deciding a lot of questions
Skipping through all this work info an deciding a lot of questionsAI
So looks like we've got some serious problems to get solved
So looks like we've got some serious problems to get solvedAI
Kinda trying to decide some work questions here
Kinda trying to decide some work questions hereAI
Going through all this info just one more time
Going through all this info just one more timeAI
Skipping though all this info in the document
Skipping though all this info in the documentAI
Skipping though all this info in the document
Skipping though all this info in the documentAI
Looks like we have a lot to solve here
Looks like we have a lot to solve hereAI
Talking to a colleague and kinda trying to understand what do we have here
Talking to a colleague and kinda trying to understand what do we have hereAI
Un sacco di emozioni che cambiano mentre si parla
Un sacco di emozioni che cambiano mentre si parlaAI
Saltando i messaggi di tutti gli amici
Saltando i messaggi di tutti gli amiciAI
Checking everything till the very last detail of this document
Checking everything till the very last detail of this documentAI
Kinda trying to decide some work questions here
Kinda trying to decide some work questions hereAI
Kinda trying to decide some work questions here
Kinda trying to decide some work questions hereAI
Checking everything till the very last detail of this document
Checking everything till the very last detail of this documentAI
I need a minute to get all what you're saying
I need a minute to get all what you're sayingAI
Male black tourist carrying luggage and talking on the phone
Male black tourist carrying luggage and talking on the phoneAI
Male black tourist carrying luggage and talking on the phone
Male black tourist carrying luggage and talking on the phoneAI
I need a minute to get all what you're saying
I need a minute to get all what you're sayingAI
Are you trying to say me something or what?
Are you trying to say me something or what?AI
Non sono dell'umore giusto per parlare di lavoro ora, mi sto godendo la serata
Non sono dell'umore giusto per parlare di lavoro ora, mi sto godendo la serataAI
Standing half sideways back to camera young woman talking on the phone
Standing half sideways back to camera young woman talking on the phoneAI
Having quite a lot to discuss right now
Having quite a lot to discuss right nowAI
I've been dreaming about it a lot and now it's finally happening
I've been dreaming about it a lot and now it's finally happeningAI
Gasping young woman in formal suit talking on the phone
Gasping young woman in formal suit talking on the phoneAI
Gasping young woman in formal suit talking on the phone
Gasping young woman in formal suit talking on the phoneAI
Incentrato sulla dicussione telefonica
Incentrato sulla dicussione telefonicaAI
Got to listen to all that info
Got to listen to all that infoAI
Didn't predict conversation would turn out that way
Didn't predict conversation would turn out that wayAI
Figlia parla al telefono come sua madre
Figlia parla al telefono come sua madreAI
Young female traveller sitting on suitcase and talking on the phone
Young female traveller sitting on suitcase and talking on the phoneAI
Young woman dressed in formal suit talking on the phone
Young woman dressed in formal suit talking on the phoneAI
And what do you mean saying this?
And what do you mean saying this?AI
No, non voglio andare in campeggio, sono troppo urbano per questa roba
No, non voglio andare in campeggio, sono troppo urbano per questa robaAI
Smiling young female traveller sitting on suitcase
Smiling young female traveller sitting on suitcaseAI
Smiling young female traveller sitting on suitcase
Smiling young female traveller sitting on suitcaseAI
Io e gli amici abbiamo sempre molto di cui parlare
Io e gli amici abbiamo sempre molto di cui parlareAI
Smiling young female traveller sitting on suitcase
Smiling young female traveller sitting on suitcaseAI
Aspetta un attimo, finirò di parlare adesso
Aspetta un attimo, finirò di parlare adessoAI
Parlare con un amico è sempre così divertente
Parlare con un amico è sempre così divertenteAI
Listening closely to all what has been said there
Listening closely to all what has been said thereAI
Having to decide all these questions isn't easy at all
Having to decide all these questions isn't easy at allAI
Vista posteriore di tre quarti di un giovane che parla e gesticola
Vista posteriore di tre quarti di un giovane che parla e gesticolaAI
And what do you mean saying this?
And what do you mean saying this?AI
Un minuto per parlare delle ultime notizie di moda con un amico
Un minuto per parlare delle ultime notizie di moda con un amicoAI
La decisione di problemi di lavoro potrebbe richiedere del tempo
La decisione di problemi di lavoro potrebbe richiedere del tempoAI
Non posso più
Non posso piùAI
Holding notebook  woman in formal suit standing back to camera
Holding notebook woman in formal suit standing back to cameraAI
Listening closely to all what has been said there
Listening closely to all what has been said thereAI
Ho bisogno di un minuto per pensarci
Ho bisogno di un minuto per pensarciAI