Sei eccitato anche per il periodo di halloween?

Felice halloween dalla nostra strega ufficio

Guarda, ho trovato l'ultimo pezzo del tuo costume

Guarda, ho trovato l'ultimo pezzo del tuo costume

Questa maschera nera ti sta benissimo

Comportandosi come una vera strega

Celebrando halloween in compagnia di streghe e gatti

Comportandosi come una vera strega

Coppia di amici halloween gatto e strega

Applausi alla festa di halloween davvero grande ufficio!

Applausi alla festa di halloween davvero grande ufficio!

Ragazzo in costume da vampiro e mamma in costume strega intaglia una zucca

Ragazzo in costume da vampiro e mamma in costume strega intaglia una zucca

Ma non voglio provare nessun altro costume

Ma non voglio provare nessun altro costume

Intagliare la zucca è come una tradizione di famiglia

This is the spellbook of mt grandma

Oh...that book is so dusty

La festa d'ufficio di halloween sta andando alla grande

Its time for romantic!

Yeah, this is really funny!

A dark spiritual ritual

Donna in abito nero che tiene candeliere

Shhh! someone's coming!

Such a dusty book!

Finally! i got a right spell!

Yes....now i see the truth!

No-o-o-o! i lost it!

Now i handle with vampires

I cant believe it!

Come on! its the last match!

The flame is not hot. something is going wrong

A frontal view of a sexy girl posing on a dark background an holding a book and a candle

Dont say anything, just watch

Go away, dust!

A side view of a cute young woman

Now i need to think for a moment

A frontal view of a young sexy girl holding a candle

Why, god, why?

A three-quarter side view of a cute girl holding a candle

Now im ready to cast a spell!

A side view of a sexy girl posing on a dark background and holding a candle

A cute woman posing on the dark background and holding a candle

A frontal view of a cute sexy woman holding a candle

I see dead people......so many of them...\

Hahah! that was so funny!

A side view of a beautiful woman holding a candle

God, please help! i need it so much!

A frontal view of a sexy beautiful girl standing on the dark background and screaming

Oh god! how could i be so foolish?!

Such a good joke, dude!

A frontal view of a cute young girl posing on a dark background and holding a candle

A frontal view of a cute young girl holding a book and a candle

Now its time to turn off a light

A cute young girl posing on the dark background

Good looking cute girl holding a book and a candle

A three-quarter side view of a sexy young girl holding a book

Ma non voglio provare nessun altro costume

Wrong! this cant be truth!

We need a light! come on!